Junior School girls are Inspired at the Sydney Writers’ Festival
“On 4 May, we went to the Sydney Writers’ Festival and we got to hear many famous writers share their experiences with books. First, we saw Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood talk about their book, Real Pigeons, and we played an interactive game called Real Pigeons Live Mystery. After Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood, we got to see Jessica Townsend, the author of Nevermoor, The Trials of Morrigan Crow. She talked about her favourite things and how she wrote her books over many years. Emily Rodda spoke about her many (I repeat, MANY) books and we listened as Kirli Saunders explained her passion for the environment and how she was writing books to promote her feelings about stopping climate change. I really enjoyed going to the Sydney Writers’ Festival because we got to meet and see all these amazing authors.”
– Emily (Year 6)
“From the very beginning, we were captivated by the energy and passion radiating from the writers. They warmed our hearts as they shared stories of quirky characters and outrageous plots. We giggled and chuckled all day. We discovered that some of the best stories resulted from developing the most ridiculous characters, and from injecting a bit of the author’s personality into the story. After listening to Andrew McDonald and Jessica Townsend, we have an even greater appreciation of the art of writing, and we will continue to persevere and persist to strengthen our skills. The Sydney Writers’ Festival was an inspirational day for every young and eager writer. We cherished the opportunity to continue to ignite our love of writing. From one aspirational writer at Pymble Ladies’ College. Thank you!”
– Sarah (Year 3)