Celebrating our Mums
At Pymble we celebrate all mums – those who care for our girls and our staff members who are parents too. Leading up to Mothers’ Day on Sunday 8 May, we’re excited to feature and celebrate several Pymble Staff members who are wonderful working mums.
We understand the demands and joys of parenting and appreciate that our working mums are juggling two very important roles every day – the care of their family and their work here at Pymble. All mums want the very best for their children and we, in turn, want our working mums and their families to fulfil all their dreams, for their children and for their careers.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Alana Hooper
Part Time Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Heads of the Junior School
- Returned from parental leave at the start of the year.
- Mum to Ethan, aged 6 and Talia, aged 1.
- Working at Pymble since 2014
What is the best thing about being a mum?
The best thing about being a mum is the unconditional love from my children. I love that they bring so much joy to my life and make me a better version of myself.
What has surprised you about being a working mum?
Being a working mum makes me a better mum! Working allows me to do something for myself which I love but also provide for my family. Working also makes the time we do spend together feel more special.
What advice would you give to new working parents?
Be kind to yourself!! (it’s easier said than done)
What’s it’s like being a working mum at Pymble?
Pymble has been incredibly supportive to me asa working mum. I am very fortunate that my position has changed to part time and I can have the school holidays off to spend with my children. The Team I work with is always very supportive, flexible and understanding when it comes to the needs of working parents. If someone is away, we all step in and get the job done. I am so thankful for this.

Meet Monique Zahra
Head of Co-curricular Administration
- Pregnant and heading off on her second Parental Leave at Pymble.
- Mum to Mia, aged 4 years
- Working at Pymble since 2016
What is the best thing about being a mum?
I love watching and helping my daughter grow and change and take on so many of the qualities (good and bad!) that my husband and I have, as well as developing her own strong personality. I get amazed everyday by how much she can learn and how quickly she can develop and always think about where it all started.
What has surprised you about being a working mum?
Probably my ability to somehow still get it all done and keep it together. I thought I didn’t have enough hours in the day sometimes before I had a child but now I have less time but still manage to get everything done (well most of the time anyway!).
What advice would you give to new working parents?
The answer to the question “how do I make it all work” is that you can’t, it’s impossible. Once you can let go of trying to do it all, and focusing on what is most important and getting that done, everything becomes a little bit easier. Sometimes you just have to accept some mess at home or running a little late to take the stress out of life as a working parent.
What’s it’s like being a working mum at Pymble?
The support from Pymble has always been incredible and becoming a mother didn’t change that at all. Even more so in recent times with the changes that COVID has brought with it, there is support and flexibility to do what you need to do for your family and get done what you need to do for work when it can all be done, rather than having a strict culture of ‘work hours’. On certain occasions, I’ve emailed executives and others in the College to thank them for their support of everyone at the College, and let them know what a difference it makes to a working mum to know that you have the full support of your work when you are going through a tough time, and how uplifting it is when your hard work and achievements behind the scenes are recognised.

Meet Connie Liu
Part-time Payroll Assistant
- Pymble mum to Kaylee (Year 2) and Olivia (Kindergarten).
- Working at Pymble since 2021
What is the best thing about being a mum?
The best thing about being a mum is knowing that I am important to someone. Loving and being loved in return fills my life with happiness. Nothing can brighten my day better than a warm cuddle from my daughters and seeing their beautiful smile from the first sight in the morning. Being a mum also reminds me how to be a good daughter and help me keep a better relationship with my mum.
What has surprised you about being a working mum?
Being a mum is hard, being a working mum is even harder. However, what has surprised me from working is howI can gain a sense of achievement when sharing my knowledge and experience with my daughters. Walk out the door to work, forget about the housework, connect with colleagues, also give me a chance to breath and enjoy kind of freedom and relaxation. This, in turn, helps me build up a healthy family life.
What advice would you give to new working parents?
Plan your work schedule well before starting. Discuss and encourage your partner to share the household chores and take care of the kids when you are busy.
What’s it’s like being a working mum at Pymble?
Being a working mum at Pymble, offers me flexible working hours so that I can participate in my daughters’ school activities while working part-time. I love the College culture and environment. Everyone in the College, especially my team members, are nice. Good leadership and relaxed atmosphere make work easier. Let’s “Dream. Think. Make it happen! ”

Meet Sarah Loch
Director of Research and Development
- Mum to Leo, aged 10 years.
- Working at Pymble since 2016
What is the best thing about being a mum?
Constantly encountering new situations and growing as a human through challenges and experiences my son brings to us. It’s like I have lived my own pathway through my childhood and adulthood, and now I have a little human with me who is living quite a different life and I get to walk with him on his path and grow and learn all over again.
What has surprised you about being a working mum?
That little children get sick constantly, then they pass it to the parents, then they get sick with something else, and the cycle starts again. I remember my doctor explaining that in their first year at daycare or school, or whenever children first mix with a group of other children, they will be constantly exposed to bugs. The illusion of ‘returning to work’ seemed crazy. I felt like I was sick and off work every three weeks in that year.
What advice would you give to new working parents?
Stay in the moment and don’t wish the crazy days away. They will definitely pass but so will the many wonderful many experiences of growing with your child.
What’s it’s like being a working mum at Pymble?
At Pymble, we know that children are amazing, incredible, beautiful, special and important. We know that all children need love and care and that parents and family are the best people to support them. This means we want to support our staff who are parents, as well as the parents of our students, then as a school and a community, we are building healthy young people, together.

Meet Joanne Lee
Mathematics Teacher currently on Parental Leave
- Mum to Charlotte, 2 months
- Pymble Alumni (2010)
- Working at Pymble since: 2017
What is the best thing about being a mum?
Watching my daughter smile and grow every day and wondering what she will be like as she grows up and has experiences of her own.
What’s it’s like being a working mum at Pymble?
Pymble has been very supportive of my journey into motherhood and has a flexible approach to tailoring parental leave for parents. I have been so grateful for my colleagues who have reached out to check in on me as well as the social events organised by Pymble to keep us connected to the school while on parental leave.