Grey House Precinct
The new Grey House Precinct development will deliver a world-class educational and co-curricular facility that:
• fosters leading pedagogical practices
• prioritises student and staff health and wellbeing
• embeds flexibility to accommodate developments in learning and teaching methods
• respects and enhances the existing built form and natural environment
• promotes accessibility and contributes to a connected campus.
BVN Architecture has been selected to lead the design process.

A new precinct
The Grey House Precinct will provide a new home for girls in Years 5 and 6, a dance academy with six new studios, out of school hours care and an early learning centre catering for 90 girls and boys from zero to six years.
The existing Health demountable buildings have been moved and a new purpose-built health and wellbeing centre will be created within the development. The Years 5 and 6 Junior School component will provide high quality general and specialist learning spaces, with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

The Grey House Precinct will:
- Deliver a high quality and distinctive architectural design that embodies and promotes the values of Pymble
- Incorporates urban design principles creating an attractive and inviting experience and destination for students, staff and the wider College community
- Incorporate the latest sustainable design
- Contribute to the life and vibrancy of the Pymble campus.

Grey House Precinct Community Consultative Committee
Pymble Ladies College Grey House Precinct is a State Significant Development (SSD-17424905) and as a condition of consent, a Community Consultative Committee (CCC) is to be established before the commencement of construction and continue throughout construction and operation of the proposed development or other timeframe agreed by the Planning Secretary. Further details of the project can be found on the Department of Planning and Environment’s major projects website Pymble Ladies College Grey House Precinct
In addition, the CCC Terms of Reference, Nomination Forms, minutes of the meetings, etc., can be found here.